PROJECT NAME: Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)
Background of Project:
UNNAYAN has undertaken Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) project in 2019 and 2020 Cycle funded by Women Affairs Ministry of Bangladesh in Terokhada Upazila under Khulna district.
Goal of the Project:
Development of ultra-poor women under Development package through IGA and life scale training;
Development Partner:
Women Affairs Ministry
2011 to Ongoing
District: Khulna; Upazila: Digolia; Year: 2018-ongoing; (Previous-Upazila: Digolia; Year: 2017-18; Upazila: Dumuria and Paikgacha; Union: 24 Unions; Year: 2015-16; Upazila: Koyra; Union: 7 Union: Year: 2013-14)
1995 women and girls received health, IGA, entrepreneurship and risk management training during natural disaster which enhance climate resilience;
Budget 2019-2020 Cycle:
1695750 BDT
Activities of the Project:
A. Life Skill Training:
- Personal Hygiene and cleanliness
- Natural Disaster, Risk management and Climate Change
- Mother and Child Health
- Food and Nutrition
- Women Empowerment
- HIV AIDS and Drug Prevention
B. Income Generating Activities:
- Entrepreneurship Development Training (Mandatory to all Beneficiaries)
- Local breeds Hen and Duck Rearing
- Vegetable gardening in the courtyard
- Cow and Goat Rearing

Objectives of the Project:
- To encourage and ensure of opening savings account
- Training on Vegetable cultivation in homestead area
- Training on Personal health care and cleanliness
- Training on Entrepreneurship Development
- Training on Mother and child health
- Training on Food and nutrition
- Training on Domestic hen and duck rearing
UNNAYAN has been making-
- Linkage with local NGOs to encourage
- Develop women entrepreneurship
- Opening savings account