Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of the Poor Households towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH)
‘Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Household towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH)’ is a human-centered total development approach. ENRICH (Samriddhi in Bangla) is a holistic approach taken towards poor households for sustainable elimination of their Poverty, socio-economic and environmental realities improvement. The programme seeks to end poverty by working with the poor households in the selected unions in association with the local government and other committed stakeholders to help the households lift themselves out of poverty.
Pathways to Prosperity for Extremely Poor People (PPEPP)
This comprehensive and integrated project will work towards creating pathways out of extreme poverty for the extremely poor households by addressing multidimensional aspects of poverty. It aims to deliver the results and higher-level changes through following six interrelated and multidimensional components: Livelihoods (resilience building and value-chain development), Nutrition and Health, Community Mobilization, Market Development, Policy Advocacy, and Life-Cycle Grant Pilot. The Project has three cross-cutting areas–Disability, Disaster and Climate Resilience, and Women’s Empowerment Leading to Gender Equality.
Uplifting of the Quality of the Lives of the Elderly People Programme (UQLEPP)
This programme is a life cycle approach of human progress, catering to the appropriate needs at all stages of life. This programme is implemented in line with the Governments elderly policy. The programme assists elderly people to access social safety services, financial benefits and primary health care services of the elder person.
Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)
UNNAYAN has undertaken Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) project in 2019 and 2020 Cycle funded by Women Affairs Ministry of Bangladesh in Terokhada Upazila under Khulna district. Goal of this project is to development of ultra-poor women under Development package through IGA and life scale training
Low Cost Housing Project (LCHP)
Most of the low-income family have house with bamboo poles and roofed with thatch of straw or golpata (Nipa fruticanes) which is very much sensitive to flood or cyclone. In mid-July 1999 there was a flood swept over Satkhira district tolling huge damage to mud-build houses of general poor people. The People’s Republic of Bangladesh extended financial support for low cost housing to the flood affected people through Bangladesh Bank. We took this privileged for the poor people who lost their houses during the disaster. We have given all construction materials for the purpose to build 100 houses to 100 poor people.
Dishari Project
In order to ensure inclusive and quality education for all, Unnayan has been providing support to the disadvantaged children through afternoon education centers under ENRICH Program since 2012. Unnayan has implemented the project in Vhanderpara union under Dumuria Upazila in Khulna district under the financial support of PKSF.
BUNIAD (Ultra Poor Program)
‘BUNIAD’ is a Bangla word which refers to foundation. UNNAYAN has been implementing ‘BUNIAD’ for the ultra-poor people with the financial support of PKSF. Ultra-Poor is also known as the poorest of the poor. UNNAYAN is providing flexible microcredit to the ultra-poor people under this program. The ultra-poor people require higher flexibility in terms of repayment, savings, attendance to group meetings and grace period. People of worse socio-economic levels such as beggars, daily labourers, bonded labourers and domestic helps, floating sex workers, members of female headed households and disabled persons with no alternative source of income are the targeted people of ultra-poor program.
JAGORAN (Household based Enterprise Development)
Jagoron is the name of a credit instrument of PKSF to initiate household-based enterprise development in Bangladesh. Under this programme borrowers are encouraged to undertake family-based income generating activities. UNNAYAN create better environment for people to live a dignified life and to give positive financial support to increase alternative income generation choice through this programme by the financial support of PKSF. UNNAYAN has been operating micro credit programs in urban and rural areas of Khulna, Satkhira, Narail, Jashore and Bagerhat districts.
UNNAYAN extends its financial services both self and wage-based employment opportunities on a larger scale. AGROSOR fosters micro-entrepreneurship for self-employment of the poor or ultra-poor.
UNNAYAN implements Sufolon programme (seasonal loan) with the financial and technical assistance of PKSF to support the poor and marginalized farmers in producing different seasonal crops, agro-forestry, agro-processing, fish cultivation and cattle fattening. The main motto of this program is to farmer’s access to financial services. The period of Sufolon loan ranges depends on its maturity of activities carried out by the beneficiaries. Sufolon is increasingly becoming very important means of poverty reduction interventions. It offers comprehensive training programme for its beneficiaries.
Income Generating Activities (IGA)
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Learning and Innovation Fund to Test New Ideas (LIFT) Program
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
LIFT Project 01
Reverse Osmosis Plant for Safe Drinking Water under LIFT Program
LIFT Project 02
Creation of Income Generating Activities for Marginalized and Poor People through Cow Rearing in Modern Method and Increasing Productivity
LIFT Project 03
Natural Breeding Opportunity of Kuchia and Income Generating Activities (IGA) Creation through Kuchia Cultivation
LIFT Project 04
Pituitary Gland (PG) of Fish Collection, Preservation, Processing and Creation of Entrepreneurship for Marketing
LIFT Project 05
Poverty Alleviation through Development and Extension of Technology for Turkey Farm
LIFT Project 06
Conservation of Eco-System and Poverty Alleviation through Creation of Alternative Livelihood and Integrated Cultivation of Snail and Fish