NNAYAN believes that partnership and assistance in different forms are essential for successful implementation of development activities. The major national and international development partners of UNNAYAN include:
Government Organizations
- Bangladesh Bank
- Ministry of Women Affairs
- Ministry Of Fisheries and Livestock
- Bangladesh Water Development Board
- Directorate of Non-Formal Education (DNFE)
- Government of Bangladesh (GoB)
- Ministry of Forest and Environment
- Ministry of Labour and Employment
- Directorate of Narcotics
- Social Welfare Department
Non-Government/Private Organizations
- Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
- NGO Forum
- Campaign for Popular Education
- SAP-Bangladesh
International Organizations/Agencies
- Academy for Educational Development
- CARE-Bangladesh
- CONCERN Bangladesh
- European Union (EU)
- RTI International
- World Vision

Associate/Strategic partners
UNNAYAN has so far involved around 20 local level NGOs as associate/strategic partners for operating microfinance, agriculture, education, health and its programs/projects. UNNAYAN provides them both awareness, capacity building support and need base financial support.
Linkage and Networking
- Disabled Forum
- STI/AIDS Network
- National Girlchild Advocacy Forum
- Men Engage Bangladesh Network
- Credit Development Forum
- Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)