PROJECT NAME: Uplifting of the Quality of the Lives of the Elderly People Programme
Background of the project:
This programme is a life cycle approach of human progress, catering to the appropriate needs at all stages of life. This programme is implemented in line with the Governments elderly policy. The programme assists elderly people to access social safety services, financial benefits and primary health care services of the elder person.
Objective of the Programme:
Reduce sorrows and miseries of the elderly people (age above 60 Years) through integrated financial, logistic, moral, recreation and so many other supports.
Development Partner:
January 2019 to December 2023
Jalma Union under Batiaghata Upazila and Vandarpara Union under Dumuria Upazila in Khulna District; Assasuni Union of Assasuni Upazila, Satkhira.
375 old persons
Total Budget:
27.57 Million (2756966 BDT) till date

Project Achievement
- Conducted 3 baseline survey to Jalma, Vanderpara and Asasuni Union;
- Formation of 84 committee in village, ward and union level;
- Arranged 424 meeting with stakeholder in village, ward and union level;
- Organized 9 batch orientation;
- Provided old age allowance to 375 old people.
Activities of the Programme:
The following activities are being implemented under the programme.
- Establishing social centres for the elderly people in every Union,
- Providing old age allowances and assistive materials (walking sticks, commodes, blankets warm cloths, wheel chairs, umbrella);
- Provision of Special Savings and Pension Fund;
- Recognizing the contribution for the society made by the elderly persons’
- Awarding children for looking after their parents,
- Providing appropriate credit and IGAs-based training facilities to the poor elderly people,
- Offering physiotherapy services & geriatric nursing to the elderly by organizing training for the Physiotherapy Aide.
- Rehabilitation of poor and distress elderly in community.