PROJECT NAME: Learning and Innovation Fund to Test New Ideas (LIFT) Program
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

LIFT Project 01
Reverse Osmosis Plant for Safe Drinking Water under LIFT Program
LIFT Project 02
Creation of Income Generating Activities for Marginalized and Poor People through Cow Rearing in Modern Method and Increasing Productivity
LIFT Project 03
Natural Breeding Opportunity of Kuchia and Income Generating Activities (IGA) Creation through Kuchia Cultivation
LIFT Project 04
Pituitary Gland (PG) of Fish Collection, Preservation, Processing and Creation of Entrepreneurship for Marketing
LIFT Project 05
Poverty Alleviation through Development and Extension of Technology for Turkey Farm
LIFT Project 06
Conservation of Eco-System and Poverty Alleviation through Creation of Alternative Livelihood and Integrated Cultivation of Snail and Fish
LIFT Project 01: Reverse Osmosis plant for safe drinking water under LIFT Program
Background of the project:
Scarcity of safe drinking water is a major problem in southern districts of Bangladesh. Water Scarcity increase mostly during dry season in this area almost the working areas have not any underground water layer to collect sweet water. So, people of this area drink water from pond, Khal and other unhygienic sources. As a result, they suffered from serious water borne diseases like cholera, Typhoid, Blood dysentery etc. To address this situation with the assistance of Palli Karma-Shayak Foundation (PKSF), UNNAYAN pure drinking Water plant has been installed.
The main motto of this plant is to produce safe drinking water and supply to the poor and suffered people at a cost of nominal price.
Development Partner:
Shovnali union of Assasuni upazila under Satkhira District;
August 2015 to July 2021
1033 people (HH- 399; Shops-413; Collect water from the point-221)
3.46 million (3455669 BDT)

Activities of the project:
- Water Plant installation for producing of drinking water
- Household beneficiaries-399
- Supply pure drinking water to shops-413
- Beneficiaries taking water from the point-221
- Total Water Generated- 673365 litre
- Water Sold- 234306 litre
- Water distributed Free- 439059
- Average selling Price (per litre)- 0.38 (Taka)
- Awareness creation
- Supply safe water
LIFT Project 02: Creation of Income Generating Activities for Marginalized and Poor People through Cow Rearing in Modern Method and Increasing Productivity
Background of the Project:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Project Objectives:
- Mitigation of protein for rural people through increasing households milk production
- To increase local hybrid cow instead of indigenous variety
- Creation of IGA and reducing poverty through cow rearing by using modern method
Development Partner:
Shahpur, Dumuria, Khulna
June 2016 to June 2020
253 Household
Total Loan Outstanding:
23.29 million (2327810 BDT)
Project Activities:
The main activities are-
- Beneficiary selection
- Group formation
- Provided hybrid cow rearing training
- Provided credit facilities for cow buying and rearing at a nominal interest
- Technical support for rearing hybrid cow and hybrid grass cultivation
- Supervision and monitoring
- Support to Market linkage development for milk and grass selling

Project Achievement:
- Support to construction 61 day shed for cow
- Produce 15 hydroponic fodder for sustainable farming
- Make 43 vermin composting
- 61 grass cutting and irrigation
- Provided cow vaccine and deworming 70
- 51 artificial breeding
- Providing 10 milk replacer support
- Conducted 3 batches training
- Celebrate 4 number of Farm day
- Cultivation of 100 homestead vegetable gardening
- Support to grow 4 grass cultivation field
LIFT Project 3: Natural Breeding Opportunity of Kuchia and Income Generating Activities (IGA) Creation through Kuchia Cultivation
Background of Project:
Kuchia a delicacy nutria and favorite for tribal people of Bangladesh as well in other south Asian countries like Pakistan, India and Nepal. In recent days tribal people as well as poor people rely on Kuchia harvesting and marketing thrives to sustain their livelihood. Bangladesh earns foreign currency by exporting Kuchia to China, Philippine, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, Indonesia etc. Now-a-days Kuchia cultivation creates a profitable business. The main reasons for Kuchia’s habitat loss are natural imbalances geographical and climate change, excessive drought, filling of Marshes, construction of unplanned switch gates and flood control embankments, conversion of Marshes to Agriculture, use of banned and overused pesticides, extreme collection etc. To protect and restore Kuchia and creation of IGA for marginal poor people in association of PKSF UNNAYAN is implementing the project.
Development Partner:
August 2015 to July 2021
No of Staff:
196 Household
16.41Million (1,640,993 BDT)
Core Project Activities:
- Completion of Baseline survey
- Aquaculture selection from the baseline survey
- Formation a management team with the beneficiaries
- Regularly discussion with the team and focus group
- Implementation of planned activities under this project
- Prepare area-based proposal and take acceptance of that proposal
- Established shelter ground by making compost heap
- Established aquatic weeds in shelter grounds
- Red flags of bamboo
- Sign board with fishing ban
- Monitoring the progress of Kuchia cultivation
- Advocacy to the beneficiaries
- Ensure the stability of Kuchia cultivation and monitor properly
- Organizing practical training on Kuchia cultivation for farmers
- Encourage to cultivate Kuchia
- Linkage between government and farmers

- Increasing the availability of Kuchia through Natural Breeding Opportunity of Kuchia by developing aquaculture and marsh management;
- Improvement of food security and quality of life through the development of Kuchia’s habitat and Wetland management technology;
- New IGA and employment creation;
- Development of value chain for Kuchia market;
Project Achievement:
- Completion of baseline survey (visited 225 household)
- Sanctuary 2 Ponds for naturally Kuchia breeding
- Conducted 6 batch training
- 150 persons received entrepreneurship development training and market linkage
- Developed 71 demonstration Kuchia farms
- Printing 500 posters and leaflet
- Organized one workshop for creating local wholesaler
- 196 persons received lain for Kuchia cultivation;
LIFT Project 4: Pituitary Gland (PG) of fish collection, preservation, processing and creation of Entrepreneurship for marketing
Background of the Project:
Due to unplanned collection of fish from open water sources, increasing demand of protein from fish and environment pollution are hampered fish breeding and fish sanctuary in natural open water body, as a result fish is producing in hatchery by motivated breeding. Hormone is used for motivated breeding collected from different sources but fish pituitary gland (PG) is the best and important source. Hatchery industry has increased in the country and due to that demand of PG has also increased for motivated breeding. To mitigate the demand of PG is also imported from foreign country.
Development Partner:
February 2018 to February 2021
Khulna sadar, Batiaghata, Dumuria, Fakirhat and Bagerhat Upazila
200 Household
8.63 Million (862572 BDT)
Goal of this Project:
- To collect PG in proper system from trained fish cutter of market and preservation
- To aware fish buyer about PG
- To create market linkage for selling produced PG
- To inspire hatchery technician about PG hormone using
- To create market linkage with Upazila fishery office and other local Govt-Non-Govt organization for receiving technical support
Core Project Activities:
- Collection Pituitary Glands of Fishes
- Workshop with the fish sellers
- Producing hormone from fish
- Providing Training
- Construction of lab
- Visited fish Market of Command area
- Provided Training
- Market selected where fish cutter (Boti) is used for fish cutting
- Committee formation
- Established linkage with associated stakeholders for technical assistance

Objective of the Project:
- Strategy for PG Collection and preservation to be aware and trained up the fish sellers
- IGA creation for PG selling
- To inspire hatchery owner for using hormone for motivated breeding of fish fry
- To create export opportunities for produced PG
Project Achievement:
- Organized two workshops
- Conducted 2 batch or 50 persons training on PG collection and preservation
- Construction/establishment of one Mini Lab
- Selected 46 Market
- Establishment of Mini Lab -01
- Formation of 8 groups with 200 beneficiaries
LIFT Project 5: Poverty Alleviation through development and extension of Technology for Turkey Farm
Background of Project:
UNNAYAN has been implementing this program in views of poverty alleviation. The main aim of this project is to growing and extension of technologies for Turkey Farm
July 2018 to June 2021
Dumuria and Batiaghata Upazila under Khulna district
150 Household
8.75 Million (875387 BDT)
Services of the Project:
- Baseline Survey and Member selection
- Training and Workshop
- Shed building for turkey
- Market Linkage and Monitoring
- Technical and Financial support
- Establishment of Exhibition farm
- Construction of Parents farm

Objectives of the Project:
- Poverty alleviation through Turkey Rearing
- Extension of technologies for Turkey farm
- 150 members selection
- Turkey rearing training 1 batch (25 person)
- Logistic support 16 person
LIFT Project 6: Conservation of eco-system and poverty alleviation through creation of alternative livelihood and integrated cultivation of Snail and Fish
Background of the Project:
The main objective of this project is to conservation of eco-system and poverty alleviation through creation of Alternative livelihood and integrated cultivation of Snail and Fish.
Development Partner:
July 2018 to June 2021
Fakirhat upazila of Bagerhat district
200 Household
6.99 Million (699343 BDT)

Activities of the Project:
- Baseline Survey and Member selection
- Training and Workshops
- Market Linkage and Monitoring
- Technical and Financial support
- Establishment of Exhibition farm
- Establishment of Brood Bank for Snail
- Making Entrepreneurship
- Baseline Survey Completed
- Number of Member selected – 200
- Logistic support and provided Snail Brood Bank for 2 persons.