PROJECT NAME: JAGORAN (Household Based-Enterprise Development)
Background of the Project:
Jagoron is the name of a credit instrument of PKSF to initiate household-based enterprise development in Bangladesh. Under this programme borrowers are encouraged to undertake family-based income generating activities. UNNAYAN create better environment for people to live a dignified life and to give positive financial support to increase alternative income generation choice through this programme by the financial support of PKSF. UNNAYAN has been operating micro credit programs in urban and rural areas of Khulna, Satkhira, Narail, Jashore and Bagerhat districts.
Development Partner:
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
Group Quantity:
Total Members:
Total Borrower:
Cumulative Disbursement:
BDT 3,261,144,000.00
Total Savings Worth:
BDT 94,533,725.00
Loan Outstanding:
BDT 228,482,808.00
Cumulative Recovery:
BDT 3,010,108,903.00

Objective of the Programme:
The specific objectives of JAGORAN (RMC and UMC) are:
- Empower and develop local leadership as well as self-reliance among the poor rural and urban women;
- To create local level institutions (groups);
- To provide technical support for income generations;
- To offer operational skill development training among the community for social equity;
- To encourage for small scale entrepreneurship development;