PROJECT NAME: Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of the Poor Households towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH)
Background of the Project:
Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Household towards Elimination of their Poverty (ENRICH)’ is a human-centered total development approach. ENRICH (Samriddhi in Bangla) is a holistic approach taken towards poor households for sustainable elimination of their Poverty, socio-economic and environmental realities improvement. The programme seeks to end poverty by working with the poor households in the selected unions in association with the local government and other committed stakeholders to help the households lift themselves out of poverty. Joint commitment of the households, the POs, PKSF, and the local government is a unique feature of this approach. UNNAYAN has started ENRICH Programme on 1st May, 2012. The implementation has started in Jalma union under Batiaghata upazila in Khulna District with one PO being responsible for one Union. In 1 no Jalma Union total land area is 44.45 square km. Total populations are about 77932. Total number of villages is 35 and total number of households is 14230 all of which are surveyed according to the formatted Survey Form provided by PKSF. Targeted households for ENRICH services are 14230.
Besides implementing ENRICH Program in Jalma Union, Unnayan has been awarded ENRICH Program under 2nd phase in Vanderpara union of Dumuria Upazila under Khulna District. Health & Nutrition, Education, Sanitation, Awareness Raising, Youth development and Community development are providing to the beneficiaries in according with the project manner. Unnayan started ENRICH program at Assasuni union from 1st of July 2017. The program has been implementing at Assasuni union under Assasuni Upazila of Satkhira district.

- Increased community awareness on Nutrition, Health, Hygiene, Sanitation, livelihood, food security and rights;
- Reduced mortality rate;
- Increased literacy rate and reduced dropped out;
- Provided health care services through Courtyard session, Static clinic, Satellite clinic and health camp;
- Installed cooking stoves and solar home systems;
- Linkage and creation jobs and employment through youth development and IGA trainings;
- 147 ENRICH Ideal Home have been established;
- Infrastructure development;
- Empowered the poor households so that they can pursue a pathway that would lead them towards the goal.
Generated a momentum in terms of empowerment and economic solvency of the poor, both women and men, and helping them in uplifting their livelihood.

Development Partner:
Palli Karma-Sahayak foundation (PKSF), DFID
To create an enabling environment for the poor to achieve a humanly dignified living standard and enjoy universal human rights.
Overall Goal:
To ensure human dignity and freedom by gradually reducing poverty.
Duration of (months):
May/2012 Till to Date
Budget of Reporting Period:
73.56 million (73,557,925 BDT)
District: Khulna; Upazila: Batiaghata; Union: Jalma; District: Khulna; Upazila: Dumuria; Union: Vanderpara; District: Satkhira; Upazila: Assasuni; Union: Assasuni
No of Staff: