PROJECT NAME: BUNIAD (Ultra Poor Program)
Background of the Project:
‘BUNIAD’ is a Bangla word which refers to foundation. UNNAYAN has been implementing ‘BUNIAD’ for the ultra-poor people with the financial support of PKSF. Ultra-Poor is also known as the poorest of the poor. UNNAYAN is providing flexible microcredit to the ultra-poor people under this program. The ultra-poor people require higher flexibility in terms of repayment, savings, attendance to group meetings and grace period. People of worse socio-economic levels such as beggars, daily labourers, bonded labourers and domestic helps, floating sex workers, members of female headed households and disabled persons with no alternative source of income are the targeted people of ultra-poor program.
Development Partner:
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
Group Quantity:
Total Members:
Total Borrower:
Cumulative Disbursement:
BDT 747098000.00
Total Savings Worth:
BDT 30,675,729.00
Loan Outstanding:
BDT 41,781,606.00
Cumulative Recovery:
BDT 702,376,914.00

Objective of the Programme:
The main objective of BUNIAD is to support the ultra-poor people in such a way so that they become capable to create sustainable income opportunities and human dignity as well as they can lift out of extreme poverty.