Rinu Sarker (50) is a housewife who lives in the village Gajendropur of Rangpur Union of Dumuria Upazila under Khulna District. Her husband is Suvash Sarker (60), he is a farmer. They are five family members. They have three children; two daughters and one son. Elder daughter is married in and another daughter reads in college (degree course). One son is also reads in SSC. They have little agricultural land but due to lack of money most of the time her husband could not manage production cost. Her husband could be cultivated once in a year and the family lived hand to mouth. Her family’s average monthly income was about BDT 2,000 which made it difficult for them to maintain their family and almost stopped of her children study. Rinu hopes if she will be able to manage some money, she supports her family, health and again regularizes her children education properly. She was looking for good opportunity for increasing daily income. At that time, Rinu and her son decided to rear Turkey and brought 3 to 4 months age 15-16 Turkey by their savings spending each price BDT 900-1000. She started rearing Turkey at a home but due to very little knowledge and lack of money for buying available food, they could not rear Turkey properly and lost all hopes.

UNNAYAN with the financial support of PKSF has been implementing the project titled “Poverty Alleviation through development and extension of Technology for Turkey Farm” under LIFT program since 2018 in this project area. Field staff of UNNAYAN started to baseline survey to collect potential beneficiaries for Turkey rearing and Rinu was one of them was founded out by UNNAYAN field workers after base line survey. She was oriented on project objectives, methodologies, roles and responsibilities and attended training on turkey rearing, poultry farming, cow rearing and also vermin composting. She has keen interest in poultry farming. She is able to work hard. Then, she received financial support of BDT 10000 for Turkey farm (procurement of Turkey chicken bard, feed, medicine and shade making). After she received financial support and training again started to Turkey rearing. She bought egg incubator machine from Dhaka and breeding 80-90 turkey at her home.

She provided grass, rice, kura rice husks, fish meal, paddy and maize to feed Turkey chicks. She said, “A chick is raised from the egg and a mature Turkey bird laying eggs in seven months and continuously lay eggs for the next four to five years. After six to seven months, Rinu begun to sell out eggs, chicks and meat to neighbours on various festival. Basically, she is breeding Turkey chicks in the Bengali month Falgun. Not only she is breeding Turkey but also breeding duck and hen chicks from eggs. She sells Turkey eggs for BDT 800-1000 and meat for BDT 500 to 550 per kg in local market, relatives and neighbours during various Bengali occasions. Besides her Turkey farm, now she able to develop poultry firm and natural hybrid based hen and ducks firm on her yard. She also makes vermin composting and use it for her own vegetables field resulting she gets more vegetables which tasted much more than before and help to increase her income. This will continue for years together. She will economically solvent and able to meet up the basic needs of her family.

Rinu Sarker is energetic, hardworking and self-motivated person. Now, she has basic knowledge and skills for running Turkey farm. She is very happy to start the farm. Now, she has got the opportunity to increase her income through farm. It is expected that Rinu Sarker will be able meet up her daily expenses and saves for future development program. With her Turkey farm, she believes she will be able to improve her economic condition and nowadays she is happy for this. She desires to establish large cow farm. She is very thankful to UNNAYAN and PKSF LIFT program.