Bashonthi was engaged at the age of 17, right after she finished her ninth grade. She was born in an ultra-poor family in Khulna District. 13 years ago, Bashonthi Rani (30) was married with Sanjoy Patro living in the village Shoilgathi of Raghunathpur Union of Dumuria Upazila under Khulna District. Her husband did not have a job and Bashonthi was losing sleep over nights to maintain family’s needs. She has no children that creates lots of mental pressure of her also. She was always absorbed in high mental sickness. UNNAYAN field worker found in Bashonthi and suggested to join group and attend various courtyard session of the cow rearing project of UNNAYAN under LIFT program. She received training on cattle farming and took BDT 90000 loan from UNNAYAN for buying cow. She bought a cow with a small bull BDT 42000 and left amount used for fish cultivation. After 6 months, the cow that they owned gave 6-8 litres of milk per day which her husband sold at the local market and neighbours. After two years, she sold bull and gained BDT 100000 and also earned 50000 for selling fish. Bashonthi and her husband was feeling happy and become confident. Bashonthi built a shed for the cattle and a two room bricks house, toilet and kitchen for family. She also cultivates both hybrid Napier grass and various vegetables on her yard using vermin composting fertilizer which is producing with her own cow dung. Her husband is also support to cattle farming. This brings a lot of changes of her livelihood. Bashonthi is very energetic and hardworking woman. She becomes entrepreneur and change maker of her own fate and in control of her life. She feels proud of herself. She expresses her gratefulness to UNNAYAN-PKSF for this valuable support under LIFT program for her community that also motivate many other to entrepreneurship.